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The MeerKAT Pulsar Timing Array | Matthew Bailes | |
MeerKLASS: The MeerKAT Large Area Synoptic Survey | Mario Santos | |
Tracing magnetic field amplification during the process of structure formation | Annalisa Bonafede | |
X-KAT: relativistic jets in our galaxy | Rob Fender | |
The Thousand Pulsar Array | Patrick Weltevrede, Aris Karastergiou | |
Probing SVOM/Einstein Probe Tidal Disruption Events with MeerKAT | Stephane Corbel | |
Mapping the unique shock in Stephan's Quintet with MeerKAT | Kamlesh Rajpurohit | |
Probing the Astrophysics of Neutron Star Mergers with Radio Afterglows | Kunal Mooley | |
Mapping the magnetic field of the coldest radio-detected brown dwarf | Sanne Bloot | |
MeerKAT follow-up of compact object mergers in LVK-O4 | Kate Alexander | |
Ultra-long period objects and exotic transients from ASKAP | Tara Murphy | |
Unveiling the nature of a compact object in the mass-gap: lightest black hole or heaviest neutron star? | Arunima Dutta | |
Fundamental physics and astrophysics with the Double Pulsar | Michael Kramer | |
Testing the limits: dark matter models, disc stability, and ISM properties in gas-rich ultra-diffuse galaxies | Pavel Mancera Pina | |
Unveiling the nature of white dwarf pulsars with MeerKAT | Patrick Woudt | |
The nature of the radio edges and magnetic fields in the Bullet Cluster | Andrea Botteon | |
Driving Rapid Galaxy Evolution Via Mergers: The Dramatic Luminous Blue Compact Galaxy ESO 400-43 | John Cannon | |
Probing The Origin of Late-Time Radio Emission in TDEs | Yvette Cendes | |
Solving the puzzle of Superthin galaxies: star formation, dark matter and environment | Timothy Davis | |
The first multiphase study of star-formation driven outflows below the star-forming main sequence | Sriram Sankar | |
MeerKAT observations to reveal the nature of SNR G310.6-1.6 | Wenhui Jing | |
Improving the mass measurement of PSR J1902-5105 | Paulo Freire | |
Confirming the first non-thermal radio filaments found in the Galactic Plane | Mark Thompson | |
Filaments and diffuse emission in a low-mass galaxy cluster | Stefan Duchesne | |
Characterizing a New Population of Very Magnetically Active M-dwarfs | Kevin Ortiz Ceballos | |
Precessing Jets with LOFAR and MeerKAT | Maya Horton | |
Probing the nature of the Einstein Probe Fast X-ray transients with MeerKAT | Francesco Carotenuto | |
Exploring the life-cycle and feedback in restarted radio AGN | Pranav Kukreti | |
Searching for a break in the late time radio light curve of GRB 221009A | Lauren Rhodes | |
Environmental Effects in the Merging Subcluster M49 | Henrik Edler | |
ESO 437-44 | Clara Cabanillas de la Casa | |
First systematic study of a large sample of galaxy groups | Thomas Pasini | |
Revealing a new binary eclipsing millisecond pulsar population in the Galactic bulge | Natasha Hurley-Walker | |
MeerKAT observations of the most massive CHEX-MATE clusters | Marco Balboni | |
MeerKAT confirmation of rich gas content of extremely metal-poor galaxies | Haruka Kusakabe | |
A Reconnaissance for Magnetically Active Ultracool Dwarfs in the Southern Sky | Kevin Ortiz Ceballos | |
Exploring Extreme Explosions from the Cosmic Dawn | Tanmoy Laskar | |
Detailed mechanism of star formation driven by magnetized jet from Galactic Center | Rei Enokiya | |
MeerKAT UHF-band view of the bridge compressed by the on-going cluster merger | Wonki Lee | |
Piloting a MeerKAT UHF-band Recombination Line Survey | Kimberly Emig | |
Searching for a radio minihalo in the vigorously sloshing, but low-mass, galaxy cluster A496 | Francesco Ubertosi | |
The Edge of Gravity: DNS as test beds for Gravity Theories | Marisa Geyer | |
HILIGHTS: The role of satellites in shaping Leo I's iconic HI ring | Nushkia Chamba | |
Polarisation of embedded radio lobes in galaxy groups -- a pilot study | Judith Croston | |
Abell 2163: characterising the non-thermal components of the cluster from the centre to the outskirts | Virginia Cuciti | |
Understanding the Origin of Interstellar Scintillation | Robert Main | |
Tracing galaxy evolution in the Shapley supercluster with HI | Lwandile Gwebushe | |
Corvus A: A low mass, isolated galaxy off the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation? | Michael Jones | |
SN2022jli: birth of an X-ray binary | Rob Fender | |
Measuring the massive white dwarf in PSR J1227·6208 | Miquel Colom i Bernadich | |
A MeerKAT long-term monitoring of the changing jets in GRS 1915+105 | Sara Elisa Motta | |
Radio counterparts of the GW sky with MeerKAT | Gabriele Bruni | |
Understanding the evolutionary history of pulsar-white dwarf binary systems | Denisha Pillay | |
Mass distributions of neutron stars and white dwarfs in binary pulsar systems | Vivek Venkatraman Krishnan | |
Confirmation of the highest redshift H i detection lensed by the Abell 370 Hubble Frontier Field | Graham Lawrie | |
Looking for the first transitional pulsar in an early-type binary system | Andrea Possenti | |
The MeerKAT Post-Merger Galaxy Survey | Karina Santana | |
Polarised Bursts from a Potential New Class of White Dwarf Pulsars | Kovi Rose | |
Detecting Radio Pulsations from the False Widow Candidate Swift J1858.6-0814 | Amy Knight | |
Teleios (G305.4·2.2) · The perfect Galactic Supernova Remnant? | Zachary Smeaton | |
Antennae Galaxies | Kisetsu Tsuge | |
Searching for diffuse radio emission in a massive pair of pre-merging galaxy clusters | Andrea Botteon | |
Intermediate mass black holes and systems of stellar black holes in the core of globular clusters | Federico Abbate | |
A Pilot Study to Measure Magnetic Fields of Solar Corona and Coronal Mass Ejections using Faraday Rotation Observations using MeerKAT | Devojyoti Kansabanik | |
The First Pilot Observation of Interplanetary Scintillation for Space Weather and Astrophysical Studies | Devojyoti Kansabanik | |
Investigating the magnetar/FRB link via multi-band follow-up of magnetar outbursts with MeerKAT and Einstein Probe | Andrea Possenti | |
Probing the Diffuse Radio Halo in the Massive Galaxy Cluster ACT-CL J1142.7+1527 at z = 1.19 | Dakalo Phuravhathu | |
Unveiling the polarimetric properties of filaments around the Bright Central Galaxies in the Shapley Concentration Core | Gabriella Di Gennaro | |
A pioneer study of the broad-band properties of radio galaxies in Planck Clusters: Exploring MeerKAT synergies with LOFAR | Kshitij Thorat | |
Multi-Wavelength Study of Compact Object Populations in Two Globular Clusters | Dongzi Li | |
Mapping the Circum-Galactic H I Ring in the S0 Galaxy NGC 1533 | Niankun Yu | |
Probing the nature of radio bridge and relic in the low massive galaxy cluster Abell 168 | Viral Parekh | |
A MeerKAT pulsar survey of the Galactic bulge | Francesca Calore | |
Magnetic fields in the tails of ram-pressure stripped galaxies in Abell 3627 | Ayush Pandhi | |
MeerKAT follow-up of the large-scale overdense structures containing the most extremely concentrated Quasars at the Cosmic Noon | Fangxia An | |
Characterising multi-frequency behaviour of newly activated repeating Fast Radio Bursts | Ines Pastor-Marazuela | |
The Westerlund 1 cluster as seen by MeerKAT | Grazia Umana | |
Pearls on a string: Dark and bright galaxies on a strikingly narrow filament | Maryam Arabsalmani | |
Elucidating the Explosion and Jet Properties of Cosmological Short GRBs | Genevieve Schroeder | |
Chasing collapsars in the early Universe with MeerKAT | Aishwarya Linesh Thakur | |
Investigating the Pulse Evolution of a New Ultra-Long Period Radio Transient | Ziteng Wang | |
A Search for Magnetic Star-Planet Interaction from the TOI-540 System | Kevin Ortiz Ceballos | |
Measuring Magnetic Field Strengths in Star-forming Regions | Tyler Bourke | |
A ring in the void: the HI properties of the interacting system of dwarf galaxies ESO179-013 | Marco Grossi | |
A Census of Variable and Transient Radio Sources within IceCube Neutrino Fields | Florian Roesch | |
GRBs: The Reverse Shock Renaissance | Tanmoy Laskar | |
Gas Flows and Interaction in SUNBIRD Galaxies | Moses Mogotsi | |
The Intriguing Case of YY Gem: Auroral Radio/X-ray Emission Triggered by Magnetospheric Interaction? | Ayan Biswas | |
Searching for the origin of the Odd Radio Circles | Majidul Rahaman | |
A new perspective on Reionization: proof-of-concept neutral gas imaging of a blueberry galaxy | Alexandra Le Reste | |
Further Observations of Three Complex HI 21-cm Absorption Systems | Wenkai Hu | |
Monitoring T CrB expected eruption with MeerKAT | Miriam Nyamai | |
Constraining Curious Atomic Gas Dynamics in the Distinct Starburst Regions of Henize 2-10 | Allison Costa | |