The following list contains links to the technical and commissioning reports which are found throughout these pages.


Calibration and stability of the 64-channel dips

MeerKAT time smearing simulation

Snapshot observations with MeerKAT

Solar interference on short baselines in the UHF band

The ionosphere at L band: MeerKAT

Self-calibration and astrometry

Overview of MeerKAT L-band and UHF nonlinearity

Modelling of J1939-6342 as UHF and L-band calibrator for MeerKAT

Hardware specifications

Spectral line

RFI at u=0 in MeerKAT observations

MALS commissioning observations of PKS1830-211

MALS commissioning observations of J1639+1127 and J2023-3655

MHONGOOSE commissioning observations of ESO 302-G014 using MeerKAT-64 and 32k mode

MeerKAT 32k commissioning: NGC 1365

Reduction of the mosaic of M83 in the wideband fine (32K) mode

Narrowband reduction of the mosaic of M83

MHONGOOSE commissioning: narrowband observations of NGC 5068

MeerKAT 32k zoom mode commissioning: NGC 1365


MeerKAT64 widefield polarimetry of DEEP2

MeerKAT L band polarimetric calibration

Polarization of MeerKAT calibrators